
I love my business, but it’s not paying enough. Is it still worth it?

By PRETTY BOOKS ON April 7, 2022
DEAR ABACUS is an advice column where local bean counter Abacus the Accountant answers your small business accounting questions.   Hi, I'm Abacus the Accountant, your local bean counter and small business management whiz. In this series, I'll use my accounting know-how to answer real questions you have about running your small business, from how to price new products to hiring employees and more. Got a question? Email me:, subject line "Dear Abacus."

Dear Abacus,

I opened my dream pottery studio fifteen years ago. I love my work so much, but it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster. Lately things have been tough, and I’m not always making enough money. I’m starting to wonder if it’s still worth it to keep my business open, or if it would be better to just let it go and get a job elsewhere.


At the End of My Rope



Dear At the End of My Rope,

First of all, you have to applaud yourself. You’re one of the few people who have discovered their passion, and one of the even fewer who have risked so much to pursue it. Trust me, that’s rare. So, kudos to you for finding that passion and acting on it.

Business is tough. The mechanics of business unfortunately require more than just enthusiasm. Your business has moving parts that extend beyond making pottery.

You are at the crossroads of passion and financial stability. You need to decide what’s best for you. Is it doing something you might not be as passionate about for more money, or following your passion but not making a lot? It’s a very personal decision, and no one can make it for you.

If you decide to keep going, you need to shift your mindset. Sit down with a financial advisor to get a holistic view of how much money you need to maintain your lifestyle and have a sense of security. From there, you’ll be able to look at your business as a whole to see where it is right now and what you’ll need to do in order to start making more money. Once that’s determined, you can do a self-evaluation and decide whether you want to keep heading in your current direction.

This process will help you find the appropriate path. There are some artists out there who are willing to live on nearly nothing, but they have the richest life in the world.

Good luck,

Abacus the Accountant

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