
Behind the Scenes

BEHIND THE SCENES is a  collection of stories about relationships, challenges and wins in the day to day world of accountancy.

There is no typical day in the office for an accountant. They might start each day at the same time checking a work email, but after that, anything goes. Between business emergencies, problems emerging with books, reconciliation issues and beyond, accountants become much more than just number crunchers. They’re also firefighters, shoulders to lean on, friends, and allies.

Behind the Scenes

How One Accounting Team Raced the Clock to Provide Support for a Startup Acquisition

It is common for startups to be acquired. Acquisitions are rollercoasters of work. They are full of excitement, ups and downs, and sleepless nights. “You can imagine that if one thing goes out of place, the whole process is stalled.”

Behind the Scenes

How One Accountant Pulled It All Together In Under an Hour to Ensure a Client Had Money in the Bank

Small business are powerful, but sometimes they are met with roadblocks only their accountant can meet. When an accountant’s expertise, speed, and experience are needed by a client, they will do will do whatever it takes to provide it. Here’s a story of one accountant who enlisted her team to meet a rapidly approaching deadline after work hours.

Behind the Scenes

How a Community of financial Professionals and their Clients Came Together to Solve the PPP

It takes a community of great minds coming together to solve great problems. When the Small Business Association released new loans under the CARES act, a community of financial professionals, bankers, and their clients had to come together with their own ideas and perspectives to solve the issue of the Paycheck Protection Program: what to submit.

Behind the Scenes

How One Accountant Navigated the Waters of an Intense Financial Meeting Between Passionate Business Founders

Some client meetings are simple, and some are analytical deep dives into the operations of a business. During these meetings, key decision makers and their accountants review trends, productivity, and results of their business’ operations. One accountant knew her deep dive with a client was going to take so long that she pre-ordered lunch for everyone.

Behind the Scenes

How a New Process Changed the Way a Company Communicated

Good communication is imperative to getting things done. When communication is interrupted by a change, lack of understanding, or a faulty system, it can become harder and harder to find the information you’re looking for. Here is how one accountant ended a a seemingly endless game of Telephone by creating a whole new process for paying bills. 

Behind the Scenes

How one Accountant Audited a Particularly Puzzling Project with 15 Subsidiaries

Most people assume there is a blueprint for the way you do accounting. While math and spreadsheets are almost always involved, sometimes the scope of an accountant’s work goes way beyond that and into identifying relationships, eliminating redundancies, and auditing companies. Solving puzzles like these require accountants to use their thinking caps.

Behind the Scenes

How One Accountant’s Deep Dive Into the Company’s Numbers Revealed Inconvenient Truths

Communicating complicated analysis in a way that is easy to understand is a skill accountants are constantly working on. Being able to translate their complicated processes and findings to an audience that does not understand accounting is a challenge, especially when these findings contradict the existing beliefs of the clients they are speaking to.

Behind the Scenes

How One Accountant’s Experience Changed a Company’s Expectation, Saving them Headaches, Time, and Money.

Trouble shooting numbers and solving mathematical issues is a large part of an accountant’s job that is often overlooked. Sometimes, the problem lies deeper than the math. Sometimes the problem is in the process followed to find the calculation. One accountant’s problem solving revealed a deeper issue with a client’s process: a lack of understanding

Behind the Scenes

How One Accountant Pressed Pause on her Sunday Afternoon to Settle an Unassuming but High Priority Request from Her Client.

Accountants frequently stay late or work on weekends to meet urgent and important requests from their clients. Due to the nature of these requests, even the smallest task can be so integral to a business’ future that accountants have no choice but to help. Here’s a story of why one accountant paused a family game to send her client some paperwork.

Behind the Scenes

A Behind the Scenes Look Into the Journey of a Client-Accountant Relationship

It’s easy to think that accountants spend most of their time behind a computer analyzing data for clients they don’t get to know. What people don’t realize is that accountants spend sometimes years cultivating relationships with their clients. Over the course of five years, one accountants’ professional relationships transformed into a friendship.

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