

A collection of knowledge, stories and insights into the journey of small businesses

Behind the Scenes

How One Accounting Team Raced the Clock to Provide Support for a Startup Acquisition

It is common for startups to be acquired. Acquisitions are rollercoasters of work. They are full of excitement, ups and downs, and sleepless nights. “You can imagine that if one thing goes out of place, the whole process is stalled.”

Day in the Life

It’s Study Group Day- A Day In The Life of an Accountant

Today is Study Group Day. On these days, accountants take a step back from their every day work and shift their focus to the broader accounting world. They discuss case studies, breaking news and trends in finance to better explore the world through numbers.

Calculated Ingredients

Easy Process for Managing Employee Vacation Requests

By having an up to date, written record of time your employees take off, you can help prevent disputes if an employee questions their PTO balance down the line. Here’s a recipe for creating and implementing a policy for managing time off (and recording it), including easy to follow directions, three tips and tricks, and ingredients list. Bon Appetit!

Accrued Dictionary

Scrubbing the General Ledger (GL)

Your accountant mentioned “scrubbing the general ledger” the other day. You couldn’t find what it meant on the internet, so you assumed it’s something along the lines of doing the dishes, but on numbers in your general ledger. You’ll probably decide to ask her later, but for right now, here’s what she really means when she says “scrubbing the GL.”

Behind the Scenes

How One Accountant Pulled It All Together In Under an Hour to Ensure a Client Had Money in the Bank

Small business are powerful, but sometimes they are met with roadblocks only their accountant can meet. When an accountant’s expertise, speed, and experience are needed by a client, they will do will do whatever it takes to provide it. Here’s a story of one accountant who enlisted her team to meet a rapidly approaching deadline after work hours.

Day in the Life

Catch-Up Day- A Day in the Life of an Accountant

Today is Catch-Up Day. These are days where the high tide of work accountants usually face is out, leaving them with time to clean up the beach and finish projects they are usually too busy to take care of. Accountants use this time to file paperwork, catch up on their to-do lists, research, and regroup with their team without the threat of a looming deadline.

Calculated Ingredients

Creating an Email Just for Accounting

By using one specific email address for all of your accounting documents, you can streamline the accounting process for your financial professionals and minimize the risk of losing documents if you lose access to an email inbox. Here is a recipe to create an inbox for accounting, including easy to follow directions, tips, and ingredients. Bon Appetit!

Accrued Dictionary


You heard the word “intercompany” in an accounting drama on TV. What the actor said it means is “a relationship between separate legal entities that belong to the same corporate enterprise, like a parent company and it’s subsidiaries that makes transactions between them very complex.” Here’s what it really means when they say, “intercompany.”

Behind the Scenes

How a Community of financial Professionals and their Clients Came Together to Solve the PPP

It takes a community of great minds coming together to solve great problems. When the Small Business Association released new loans under the CARES act, a community of financial professionals, bankers, and their clients had to come together with their own ideas and perspectives to solve the issue of the Paycheck Protection Program: what to submit.

Day in the Life

Go See the Client Day- A Day in the Life of an Accountant

Today is Go See the Client Day. Sometimes, for convenience, an accountant leaves their office to meet a client. Sometimes it’s in their places of business—a plant shop that looks more like a jungle, a retail store’s back room full of boxes, or even a restaurant floor in the middle of the lunch rush. Sometimes it’s somewhere between the accountant’s office and the client’s place of business—a coffee shop, a park bench, or anywhere with a table and chairs (and preferably Internet access). Either way, Go See the Client Day is an adventure. Not only does the accountant get to see their client face to face, they also get to spend some time out of the office, maybe even grabbing a coffee along the way.

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