Let's plan for your business' future. We look at where you are now and how we can help get you to your goals. Together, we assess your current processes, operations, and budgets to see if we are on the right track. We talk forecasts, financial models, and assumptions to see what we can fine tune to make sure you are headed towards reaching your goals.
We measure your assumptions against real numbers taken from your financials. We create financial models, including forecasts and projections, to give you insight into what might happen in your business based on what is happening today.
We discuss your goals for your company and help you define what success means to you. Together we identify a few key metrics to measure your success against while we work towards helping you meet your goals.
We create mathematical, financial models that let you test the "what if" scenarios that could come up in your business. Together, we walk through all your options and outcomes so you can decide on an action plan for your business.
You sell things at a physical location or online
Amazon, Etsy, Shopify, etc.
Food, art, handmade, etc.
You develop and sell technology and software
SAAS, licenses, research, etc.
Applications, consulting, etc.
You take care of people's food, lodging and travels
Restaruants, bar, cafes, etc.
Rentals, tours, adventure, etc.
You offer your experience to people and businesses
Legal, IT, marketing, etc.
Strategy, education, etc.
Together, we identify the work our team can easily take off your plate.
We jump in as needed for deep dives, one-time projects and planning
Custom packages starting at
Accounting work and its financial reporting is useful only if it impacts the decisions you make to propel your business forward. We understand the significance of expressing your numbers and financials in a way that is understandable to you. We meet you where you're at to help you make the connection between your numbers and your business so you can feel confident making those necessary decisions.
Where will my cash be in six months? Nine months?
Am I making money?
Which service or product am I making the most money on?
How does my revenue compare to last year?
Is my customer paying me on time?
What are the leading indicators of my business?
Based on current trends, where will we be this time next year?
How much will my new hire cost?
How much should we expect to spend?